“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.”

-Pedro Calderon de la Barca

Green lenses

Test subjects exposed to green prior to a creative task performed better on a creativity test than the control group


Various studies have shown that green is perceived as calming and relaxing. Creativity is also associated with green. One study showed that those test subjects exposed to green prior to a creative task performed better on a creativity test than the control group. Green lenses have this calming and balancing effect on our mood. It is also thought to boost an individual’s compassion and sensitivity.

Green lenses can do what gray and brown lenses can do, but better! Sunglasses with green lenses provide better contrast than black lenses and transmit color accuracy better than brown lenses. Ideal for both sunny and low-light environments, green lenses have a way of reducing glare while brightening shadows. Perfect for water or field sports, cycling or skiing, these lenses protect and comfort your eyes on foggy, cloudy, or bright, sunshiny days.

See Next Color - Brown