“Here’s to the rose colored glasses of life”

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

rose color lens

Seeing the world through rose-colored glasses is more biological reality than metaphor


A new study by the University of Toronto provides the first direct evidence that our mood literally changes the way our visual system filters our perceptual experience suggesting that seeing the world through rose-colored glasses is more biological reality than metaphor.

Some people have described rose lenses as a color that evokes feelings of joy and happiness. "Although green used to be my favorite color, rose has the strongest and deepest emotional influence to me," wrote one customer. "The color rose to me has a deeply joyful vibe to it. Like being home. A familiar friendly place deep within everyone's heart where there are no worries."

Rose is associated with relaxation, stress relief, calming aggression, and computer glare relief. This tone is said to affect muscle strength, and has an effect on the cardiovascular system. This color of pink is often used in pediatricians’ and therapists offices for its marked relaxing effect. Some of the supposed benefits of this color include calming, relaxation, and appetite suppression. If you’re having a hard day at work and feeling like you’re on your last nerve, this color lens is for you.

See Next Color - Blue